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Mike Cusick Posted by: Mike Cusick 12 months ago

Cody Hardley rides for Team Sustainable Cycling, focusing on road racing and triathlons. He’s a long-time FSTF participant, having started in its early days. “I was racing in college so I would have started [racing FSTF] in 2005 or 2006,” he says.

Hardley says there’s a lot to love about FSTF. “I really like how there’s a series of races over the weekend,” says, noting that he travels from Fort Wayne. “I’m not just coming for a single day race,” he adds, emphasizing the convenience of getting a full weekend of racing in a single trip.

While Hardley loves the racing, he also finds the overall atmosphere to be fun and festive. “They do a good job being intentional about having family-friendly events,” he says, adding that his family also has a great time during the weekend.

So whether you’re a racer, casual rider, volunteer, or spectator, Fat & Skinny Tire Fest has something for everyone. Come join us May 17-19 for a fun-packed weekend!