Connecting With Our Kosciusko County Community
We all ride for our own reasons. Some of us ride for transportation. Some of us ride for competition. Some of us ride for fitness. And some of us ride just for fun. Kosciusko County Velo (KCV) exists to make it easier and safer to ride in our communities.

Community Engagement
Advocacy is a critical function of KCV. We go to great lengths and take pride in developing partnerships with national, state, and community leaders and organizations that care about promoting active and healthy living. All with the goal of making our community a great place to live, work, play, and visit.
Plus, a community that rides is a community that is socially, economically, and physically healthier. And a healthy community benefits us all!

Partnering With Community Leaders
Staying engaged with the Kosciusko County community and leadership is critical to the overall success of our advocacy.
Learning about the needs of local and visiting bicyclists, allows us to represent and help advocate for connected communities and businesses through safe, well-thought-out, and inviting infrastructure that considers the transportation needs of bicyclists and pedestrians.

Partnerships & Initiatives
We are proud to be a founding partner of the Ride+Walk Advisory Committee that worked with the Indiana Department of Health and Bicycle Indiana to establish our Ride+Walk Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan in 2012 and subsequently helped establish our Bicycle Friendly Community status for Warsaw and Winona Lake.
Additionally, we’ve been involved with the collaborative Forward Kosciusko planning, the recent HELPS committees, and the launch of the Kosciusko County Parks and Recreation Board.

Looking To The Future
As we enter our twentieth year as a non-profit, we’re excited for the future and have continued to partner with state, regional, and county stakeholders to advocate for bicycling and push to expand access and activities in our communities, county, and region that will provide substantial benefits to our neighborhoods and cities for future generations to come.
We hope you’ll join the movement. Each of us can play a part. Just get out and ride, share your views on the difference bicycling means to you, volunteer, and support a healthier, happier community.